Am I addicted to Alcohol? Do I need De-addiction Treatment?
First step in De-Addiction is to know if you are addicted or not. In this blog, we are going to explore the symptoms of alcohol addiction in detail, as it is the first step in alcohol de-addiction.
Are you drinking too much?
To keep it simple, you can answer the following questions and decide for yourself.
Do you get a feeling that you have lost control of your drinking? E.g. Drinking more than what you intend to.
Does the quantity of your alcohol consumption keep increasing? Or do you feel a sense of physical discomfort while trying to reduce your drinking?
Are you having problems with your friends and family, problems at your work or finances? Are you getting into trouble with the law?
If you have difficulty in coming to a conclusion based on the above questions, I recommend you to see if you have two or more of the following problems. If you are having two or more problems, I suggest that you visit a professional in a de-addiction center nearby and seek help.
Following are the problems people with alcohol addiction have.
They wish to reduce the consumption of alcohol but are not able to.
The time they spend in trying to get alcohol, drinking and recovering from being drunk is high.
There is an intense craving and urge to consume alcohol.
They have difficulty in doing basic things that they need to do. E.g. School / Work, Attending to Family’s needs, taking care of themselves, keeping things clean
They continue to drink even if it starts affecting their relationships at home or at work.
They tend to ignore the fun activities that they use to enjoy once.
They continue drinking even in situations that might lead to danger. E.g. Driving
They continue to drink even after knowing that it is affecting them physically or mentally.
They tend to consume more alcohol to get the same effect they got with less consumption. Or the same quantity of consumption might have lesser and lesser effect on them.
Based on your response to the above set of questions and problems stated, you will be able to see for yourself where you are with respect to your alcohol consumption. You will know the extent of the problem.
Even if you have a remote feeling that you might be addicted to alcohol, I suggest you reach out to the de-addiction center nearby and seek professional help. Remember, the best way to solve any problem is to let the experts solve the problem. Alcohol addiction is no different. A best De-addiction Center can help you get over the problem!! All you need is the realization and the willingness to take action.
Avinashi Rd, behind FUN Republic Mall, Peelamedu, nava india, Gandhipuram, Thudiyalur, Koundampalayam, lakshmi mills, Anna Statue Signal, Codissia, Hopes College,Tiruppur, Salem, Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu, India